
You should inspect your roof or have a professional do it to spot damage, make necessary repairs, and discover flaws that may have occurred in workmanship. If you act before or as problems occur, you’ll extend the life of your roof and prevent problems that could affect the structure and contents of your home, as well as your family’s health. For example, unknown leaks could lead to mold in an attic or behind a wall. Prolonged exposure to mold could lead to respiratory problems.
Inspect your roof annually to assess the health of your home's shingles, flashing, fascia and soffit.
The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recommends checking your roof during the fall and spring to help spot potential problems. You should also inspect your roof after a major storm that involved high winds, hail or flying debris. It doesn’t matter how new a roof is, hail can damage or even ruin it enough to require a replacement. You can complete two major home maintenance and inspection jobs at once if you schedule your roof inspection and gutter cleaning at the same time.
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